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Update: January 1999

BJ Caldwell writes...


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It wasn't too long ago that I was most fortunate to meet Jim Sullivan and his seafaring dog Capt. Melody. Jim...and Mel, are sailors on a mission. They aspire as I do - to inspire kids around the world that anything is possible when you dream. As we like to say - "If it's possible it has been done - if it's impossible it will be done".

Jim is sailing his Cal 2-30 "Elusive" around the world under the banner - "Oceanfriends". With a colorful background ashore, Jim's enthusiasm for the sea is wildly contagious for kids and sailors alike. What can I say - just go right now and check out his web site at:

Together - Jim, me and his partners from "Peddle for the Planet", are going to take kids from all over Hawai`i sailing and give free-slide shows. We are also going to visit hospitals to meet with the most courageous of God's children up close and personal. I am very happy we have joined forces to show youth not only the purity of sailing but to discuss how precious life is and how we must follow our passion no matter the adversity in our path.

Our joint program for Honolulu will run from the 15th of February through the 15th of March. Then Jim will set off for American Samoa via Palmyra with Mel. Maybe I will to meet some more kids in the place I so miss and love - the South Pacific. However, I will soon relocate my base of operations to Los Angelos, California. This will enable me to meet with corporations face to face versus sending faxes and e-mail. Hawaii's economy isn't doing well - especially compared with the mainland United States. So it is logical to change gears and make new friends 'across the pond'.

I have much promising new information regarding my future sailing to share with my friends and commercial partners very soon. I also have to say, I've learned much about life since my arrival home from my last circumnavigation. I have had many highs and lows for certain - but I certaintly wouldn't trade them for anything - because I will try not to make the same mistakes again! Although I am good navigating the oceans alone - I am doing my best to learn the ropes on land! Many Alohas to everyone that has supported me through the storms ashore.

The millinium is approaching. We know there will be many changes. I look forward to living the dreams in my heart and sharing them with all of you. I am fast seeing the pieces fall in place, I will sail alone again soon...

- bj

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