Water Ways Honolulu Star Bulletin (10/25/97) By Ray Pendleton
If you read last week's Water Ways column, you know that Brian "BJ"
Caldwell, Hawaii's sailing-solo circumnavigator, is presently preparing his
boat - a North Atlantic 29, aptly named CapeSeeker, and loaned to him by
Waikiki Yacht Club's Robert Asakura - for another record-making voyage
around the world.
As someone who will be depending upon his boat and its preparation
for his very life, it is fitting that BJ is outfitting it at the most
state-of-the-art boat maintenance facility in the U.S., the Community
College's Marine Education and Training Center on Sand Island.
Since its opening in the fall of 1995, the METC has offered its
students a comprehensive education in the art of boat building and repair.
Classes cover such diversified subjects as engine maintenance, fiberglass
lay-up, woodworking, rigging, plumbing, electrical systems, and spray
For BJ, who is under severe budget constraints, the METC is just
the place to haul out in preparation for his upcoming non-stop, unassisted
circumnavigation of the world. The workmanship is first-rate - as ensured
by director David Flagler and instructor Gary Brookins - the tools and
equipment are the best in Hawai`i, and yet the cost is about a third of what
he would pay elsewhere.
Students working on BJ's boat have the rare opportunity to have a
hands-on relationship with a vessel that will soon be on an historic
Because Hawai`i has many people who are interested in boating, but
who do not have the time or inclination to become full-time students,
Flagler has created an assortment of somewhat bite-sized marine education
courses. Most are one meeting, non-credit classes, and cover a wide
spectrum of recreational boating interests.
If you have just bought a boat and want to know how to operate it
in a safe manner, you can spend a day with U.H. Head Sailing Coach Andy
Johnson and Waikiki Yacht Club Sailing Director Guy Fleming to learn all the basics.
Perhaps your old outboard is starting to give you problems. You
can bring it and a few basic hand tools to a class given by Mark Kimura on
how to keep your Johnson/Evinrude running.
Battery maintenance is a basic, yet often ignored operation on a
boat, and yet it can save you considerable time and money. Let Dan of
ElectroMarine Servicesteach you how to get the most out of your boat's
battery in just three hours one evening this fall.
A class on boat trailer maintenance and construction, given by
Spectrum Trailers manager Peter Ells, is bound to be a hit with the many
trailer-boat owners on O`ahu.
And, naturally, all boaters should brush up on their knot-tying
skills by taking the classes given by the METC's Gary Brookins.
The METC is offering paddlers five different classes ranging from
basic kayaking, buying a kayak and kayak touring, to a day kayak tour of
Kaneohe Bay and how to use a kayak on snorkeling or SCUBA diving trips.
There will even be a class on how to select and purchase an outrigger canoe
For the experienced sailor looking to obtain a Coast Guard license,
merchant captain Steven Jackson will be presenting a couple of three-hour
classes designed to ease the pain of filling out the required paperwork.
If the course you're looking for is missing, Flagler says he
expects to add more courses of this nature in the Spring semester.
"We are also open to suggestions from the community," Flagler
You can contact him at 832-3682 regarding class times, tuition
expenses, or to recommend courses you would like to see in the future.