Transpac 97 LIVE at Transpac Row

Most recent update from Race HQ 7/12/97 AM

The Transpac Womens Sailing Team
after crossing the Diamond Head Finish Line July 12th
at 05:18:03 HST with an elapsed time of 9:19:18:03

Bay Wolf pulling up to the dock

Linda Elias greets Cheryl Coulter with champagne...
Linda didn't get to race on this trip, but she did make it for The Pacific Cup in '98

Linda & Camille Daniels with the TV cameras rollin....

In the Wolf-Pit with Betsy Crowfoot & Leslie DeMeuse on left and Linda Elias & Pam Dodd Millet

Top Left: Molly McCloud, Linda Elias, Cheryl Coulter, Jean Morris
Middle Left: Camille Daniels, Pam Millett, Lise Kim Eval
Bottom Left: Betty Sue Sherman, Liz Baylis, Betsy Crowfoot
The Transpac Womens Sailing Team
See Their Official Website

The Team on the CelTel to Big Mama Wolf in Palos Verdes,
tryin to talk her into coming over for the parties!
On the Phone: Camille, then Linda, Lise, Molly, Jean
Below: Pam Millett and Cheryl
sez Linda: "HI!!! Wish you were here.....
the She-wolves are a howling. AAAOOOAAAOOO!
They said they took good care of your boat. very little carnage,
you'll be glad to hear. Can't wait to see the videos from Leslie. Party time!

you can run, Jocy - but you can't hide!!! :)

WYC Transpac Nav Station

Last modified July 12th '97 Way Early Hawaiian Time
Copyright © 1997, HoloHolo Internet Publishing, all rights reserved