Bank Of Hawai`i

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Last Updated Sunday 10/5/97 LATE HST

Aloha & Welcome to
The Bankoh Na Wahine O Ke Kai Official Race Website!

See: Latest News Select on left

Club Bio Pages ARE UP - Select on left

Race start appx 0730

Right off the top - A BIG MAHALO to Bank Of Hawai`i and the skippers of the escort fleet for making all this happen.

The plan, here online - is to snap/upload digipix and progress reports as the canoes make their way from Hale O Lono, 41 miles across the Ka`iwi (Moloka`i) Channel to Waikiki, finishing at Duke Kahanamoku Beach. For more details of the race, select "The Race" on the left.

*LIVE* photos (or as close as can) from the channel

There are 63 crews from 46 clubs entered this year, a BIG increase over last year's record 52 entries - see the list on the left for who's who. (still working on these)

For the latest NOAA weather reports courtesy of UH SOEST, see the bottom of the frame.

This site will be linking to all available online resources for the 2 Moloka`i Races, so if you have items of interest, please Email...

Stay tuned.... LOT's More happening.... Soon.

*Hele On To Hawai`i Canoe Club News

Last Modified: Sunday 9/28/97 0700 HST
Copyright © 1997, Na Wahine O Ke Kai
Produced online by HoloHolo Internet Publishing, all rights reserved.